perintah dlm shell backdoor
cd <dir> >>Moves to a directory
cd .. >>Moves to a lower directory
cd ~ >>Moves to your home directory
cd - >>Moves to the previous directory
pwd >>Displays the current directory (untuk tahu di directory mana saat itu kita berada)
pico <file> >>Edits a file
tail -10 filename >>gives you the last 10 lines of a file. Can change the # to whatever you want.
ftp <site> >>Connect to a FTP server
lynx <site> >>View a webpage (contoh: lynx, untuk keluar ketik 'q' atau 'Q')
s >>Displays everything in the current directory
ls -a >>Displays all files, including hidden
ls -l >>Displays all files, along with the size and timestamp
ls -al >>Display all, include hidden, size, timestamp
cp <file> Copies a file to a new file (contoh: cp file.txt data.txt)
mv <file> Moves a file to a new file, or rename (contoh: mv file.txt data.txt <<memindah isi file.txt ke data.txt)
mkdir <dir> Creates a directory
rmdir <dir> Deletes a directory
rm <file> Deletes a file
rm -f <file> Force to delete a file
rm -rf <dir> Deletes a directory
chmod 755 admin >>ubah permission folder admin ke 755
chown usercp.nobody public_html >>Mengubah user dan group untuk public_html
eberapa cara untuk melacak file
grep >>Untuk mengetahui file apa saja yang mengandung karakter yang dicari
format : grep -R "[parameter]" [path]
contoh : grep -R "beli semua" ./public_html
(mencari file yang ada kata-kata 'beli semua' di dalam public_html)
find >> menemukan file dengan spesifikasi tertentu, misal dari nama, permission atau lainnya
format : find [path] [expression]
find . -type f -perm 777 >>Mencari file yang permission nya 777 di path .
find . -type d -perm 777 >>Mencari directory yang permissionnya 777
find . -name "*nama*"
whereis <file> Tells where a file is located
locate:Search for a file or directory (uses the locate database)
tar -cpzf filename.tar.gz - Tar the current directory
tar -xzf xoops.tar.gz - Untar a file
wget - Download a file to the server
mysqldump -u username -p database_name > dbname.sql
>>export database ke dbname.sql
mysql -u username -p -h localhost data-base-name < data.sql
>>import file .sql ke database
sekian neh juga copas wkowkowko... :D
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